Stories of the Law of Attraction

Monday, August 23, 2010

Something Good Today

At the age of 19, I had just gotten the perfect work-at-home job.  I had focused on what I wanted and by the Law of Attraction, it came to me.  See my previous post "The Perfect Job" for details.  This process had worked so well for me, but I still had that itchy little feeling in the back of my head that maybe, just maybe, this was merely coincidence or random good luck.  So I decided to test it.

I know from my Sunday School days that you're not supposed to "Test" God, and I felt certain that was exactly what I was doing.  I apologized to the Universe and decided to do it anyway.  I sat in my chair at my desk and prayed for about 5 minutes.  In my prayer I even said, "this is a test, because I really want to know if this works." I thought about my boyfriend.  He'd been feeling down lately and I thought wouldn't it be cool if something really nice happened to him today to cheer him up.  I thought about why he was a good person, so deserving of having something good happen.  I repeated the line, please let something good happen for my boyfriend today, several times and I imagined what a wonderful thing this would be and I felt very happy about it all.  Then I opened my eyes and started work for the evening and promptly forgot all about my little experiment.

My boyfriend, meanwhile, had left our little cabin and gone to meet for dinner with a friend he hadn't seen in a while.  Hours later, when he returned home, he told me about the very strange evening he had had.

My boyfriend had met with his friend at a diner.  They had a nice dinner and sat around talking and sipping coffee for hours.  Finally it was time to go and he asked for the check.  The waitress gave them their check, but it only had one meal on it, his friend's, and not his.  He asked about the error.  The waitress was a tall woman, wearing a big smile and a nice white button-up shirt with pretty little flowers, and a big rhinestone pin that spelled out "Jesus."  She said, "No, that's no mistake Sugar.  Jesus told me to do something good for you today so I all ready took care of your bill."  My boyfriend was amazed, he needed the break, but still tried to pay.  She wouldn't take his money for the bill, but he left a nice tip.

Now here's the most interesting part of my "test."  Being that this happened so many years ago, I can't remember now the exact line that I was saying in my 5-minute prayer, but what struck me the most at the time was that what the woman said to my boyfriend, and what he then repeated back to me, was EXACTLY the line I had been praying.  She also knew the table this person she was supposed to do something for was sitting at and his name, but it took a while for her to figure out which of the two men at the table was the right one.

So I was looking for proof, and let me tell you, I certainly got it!  Message received loud and clear!

Why then, I've wondered so many times since then, can't I do this kind of thing every single time I try.  I think the secret lies in the fact that I didn't really know what I was doing.  Sometimes I do it right, and sometimes my very next intentions counter what I had asked for.  Sometimes I want something so bad I dwell on it, and then the negative "what-ifs" come in.  The lack thoughts that draw in more lack.

Today I think the key to really being successful with the Law of Attraction, of making your intentions solid and real, is to master detachment.  When we are so caught up in the outcome that we worry and stress, then we are bringing about more worry and stress instead of the original intention.

The other big problem I've had all these years has been trying to decide what it is that I really want in life.  I get so wrapped up in the "what-ifs" in so many ways that I can't decide what the right thing is.  Do I want to go here, or do I want to go there?  If I don't know, how will the Universe deliver?

Well, in a few days I'm going to be 42 years old. One of the benefits of getting to middle age is that I am becoming really clear about exactly what it is I do want for the second half of my life.  I've lived so many great adventures, though now the mystery and excitement of stepping blindly no longer entertains me. I'm ready to create something beautiful and bring joy to as many people as I can.


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